Minister through Music
Music is an integral and major feature of our worship experience at Mill Creek Church and enhances our time together. We are truly blessed in worship as we glorify God through the gift of music.
We always have beautiful congregational singing, lead by a chorister and accompanied by a pipe organ and grand piano. Sometimes very gifted members share their talents on various other musical instruments. We have also recently revived our very popular bell choir from years ago and are very happy to have that back as part of our worship services periodically.
Mill Creek has four choirs who perform during worship September through May:
Little Angels Choir: Ages 4 - Grade 1
(Sing the first Sunday of each month)
Kidz of the Neighborhood Choir: Grades 2 – 5
(Sing the third Sunday)
Chancel Choir: Junior High's and older
(Sing on the second and fourth Sundays)
Bell Choir
(Plays on the first Sunday of each month)
Choirs rehearse 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. each Wednesday evening.
The Mill Creek Praise Team, composed of members of all ages, lead our worship service on the fifth Sunday mornings and provide "gathering music" for morning worship on third Sundays.
Special music is always part of Christmas and Easter celebrations. The choirs take a well-deserved break during the summer and we are blessed with a variety of talented community and Mill Creek musicians who share their gifts of music with us each Sunday during this season.