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Christian Education

Christian Education has always been one of the strongest features of Mill Creek.  14 separate classes meet each Sunday after worship, with classes for all ages down to 2 and 3 year olds.  Nurturing of all who gather at Mill Creek Church is one of our significant areas of focus and attention.  



Sunday School Classes


Sunday School classes for all age groups meet each Sunday morning immediately following Sunday Worship.  Each adult class plans regular fellowship and service projects as a part of their nurturing experiences together.

Mystery Friends 
Mystery Friends pairs a post-high school young adult with a secret friend(s) within our church family. Throughout the school year the post-high school youth receives regular correspondence and remembrances from this mystery friend(s) as a way of continuing our ties as the Body of Christ during these transitional years in our young adults’ lives.  


Wise Owls Pals  
Wise Owls Pals follows the format of our Mystery Friends program, except that it is designed for our post 75 year-olds. It is one of the intentional ways that we strive to affirm the continuing worth and respect held for our “elders.” 

Each summer we offer our Bible Day Camp and Mini Camp for children age two through eighth grade. This four-day program offers an original curriculum each year in June. 

These and many other activities are planned for Christian growth experiences through study of God's word and fellowship with believers in our church community.  Come, join us!


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